
Association News

  • NEW!! Experience Dragon Boat Train & Race Program

    Registration is now live for the “Experience Dragon Boat Train & Race Program.” This is a five-week dragon boat program beginning August 14th at Core Creek Park in Langhorne and ending with a full race…

  • Dragon Boat Try-It days

    Want to know what all the buzz is about dragon boating? Do you know someone either at work or in your friendship circle who is on a dragon boat team? Is this your year to do something for yourself and try something new, fun & exciting? Well, we have something for you that answers all […]

  • Putting our 2023 season to rest

    So our 2023 dragon boat season has officially come to an end! As we bid farewell to practices and racing, we are definitely feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride in what Bucks has achieved this year. Lots of memories were made on the water and many medals won on the race course. But we…

  • Mercer County Dragon Boat Festival 9/16/23

    What an incredible race day it was for Bucks Dragon Boat at the Mercer County Dragon Boat Festival on Saturday, September 16th! Our 6 teams of dedicated Bucks paddlers all came together to race, united by our shared love for this sport.  Cheers were heard across the shoreline, creating an…

  • In loving memory of Laurie McHugh 5/15/65-8/21/23

    It is with a heavy heart that we share the tragic news of the passing of our incredible co-founder, Laurie McHugh. We mourn the loss of a visionary, a leader and a dear friend who played an instrumental role in shaping our dragon boat club into what it is today and we are truly devastated.…

  • Experience Dragon Boating program starting August 14th

    EXPERIENCE DRAGON BOATING August 14-Sept 11 (exc Labor Day) We are proud to offer this new dragon boat opportunity. Registration is now live.…/experience-dragon-boat-racing… Program Details: The Experience Dragon Boat Train & Race package is a four-week…